Saturday, July 16, 2011

Catch Up

Such exciting news all around.

My wonderful husband is, as always, the most loving father there is. We appreciate who he is and what he does daily.

My hubby was pinned as Gunnery Sergent on July first! I am so proud of him for his hard work and dedication to the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS!

I have been working hard on learning more about photography through some online classes. I am really starting to see things in a whole new way, and loving it!I also am going to so many doctor appointments it makes my head spin at times. One of these days we will get these kidneys working right! For now, I am hanging in there. I know I have the strength to make it through anything when leaning on my Lord and Savior.

Let's start the younger generation off with Frederyc... My eldest son Frederyc and his wife, Elizabeth, have had a wonderful boy on June 10th. I have not been able to go up north to see him and am looking forward to it.

Hadyn Jett Patterson

Next, my daughter Alexis....

Alexis and her husband, JT Mills, now have a beautiful baby boy as well. Noah Norman Mills was born on May 13th. Happy to report that both granbabies are doing great.

Then, Jacob.......

It has been a rough path for Jacob. This spring he has faced many challenges. This summer he has been enjoying his last summer as a "kid". I continue to pray daily for the Lord to lead my son. Jacob passed all his required course to graduate early and is exploring the possibility of Joining the USMC in the fall.

My lovely Tyra Jade......

Tyra is turning into a .... PRETEEN! OH NO!

Tyra is advancing nicely with her studies and is trying to find her place in our ever changing family. Tyra is now advancing to what would be 6th grade. She is the light of so many peoples lives! I can see God working through her.

And lastly, but never least, Johnny E.......

It amazing to watch Johnny growing and learning every day. He has really reminded me how much we can learn from the smallest of things. I found him watching the ants, how much we can learn from this. When I find myself frustrated I step back and remember that THIS will NOT last for long.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Been So Busy!

Where has the time gone?

We have been so busy the last few months! Hard to keep up. With mom having surgery and be stuck in bed schooling got interesting. Dad took the week off of work to keep everything afloat. My oldest son and his wife also came to visit. It was so nice to see them, and soothed my soul so much to see them before surgery. Jacob started his dual enrollment this month. He is taking 3 classes at the local community college. So proud of him! We are very thankful for all of our friends that helped us get through this time.

We made it through last week on our own, it was a struggle to get back on track. I am grateful for Enchanted Learning and their monthly calendar. As I am still not up to par it made planning and finding material a snap!

It snowed again here in North Carolina over the weekend. We sure have been having a lot of snow for the south!

This week, in addition to our regular schedule, we will also be learning about the development of a fetus. On Jan 22nd it was the anniversary of the ruling on Rowe vs Wade. I am going to take this week to discuss the ruling, what the Bible has to tell us, and the unborn child. In addition we will be starting some sex education with Tyra. If anyone has any good resources please share!

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